Best Party Ideas in Perth

perth city

People will not tell you that Perth is the place to go to have a blast, but the truth is as long as you know how to throw a great party and make the best memories, then Perth is is the perfect place to go. Here are some ideas that you need to try with your friends or family

Rent a Bouncy Castle

dragon bouncy castleIt is not a silly idea at all if you can think of all the fun that you can have with your friends on the castle. Reminisce your childhood by chilling on the castle with your friends and bring the beer with you. A bouncy castle isn’t just something that only a kid can enjoy because anyone can call a bouncy castle hire in Perth and ask them to put one in the backyard. You also need to admit how cool your party pictures will turn out if you have this as a prop because of the vibrant colors. A while ago the Kardhasian once took photos at a bouncy castle as well, so that confirms this whole idea is the opposite of lame and instead is very cool. You can tell your friends to come without letting them know what your plan is and it could turn out to be the best surprise party ever.

Chill Beach Party

blue beach matt Perth has arguably the best beaches compared to other big cities in Australia, and a classic beach party will forever be timeless. There are many things to do aside from beach games and drinking. What you should try is to have a chill beach party where you can combine more than four big beach mat and make a large space for everyone to chill and sit or lay down. There you can talk, drink, read books, listen to music, or even sleep. As long as you bring good food and you pick a great spot to sit, it will be hard for people to leave the party.

Scandinavian Night

being cozySo it is currently the winter time, and you do not want to be outside, then you can use your house and turn it a little bit Swedish to make it the most comfortable living space that any of your friends will experience. Blast your AC to the lowest temperature that you can tolerate, wear warm clothes and start the transformation. You will need a lot of throws, blankets, and pillows to put everywhere around the house to make it cozy. You can also light as many candles as you want as long as you make sure that it is safe. It is a unique thing to experience here in Perth where you do not get the snow, but you can replicate the feeling of happiness out of burying yourself in the blankets.